Virale Erreger und deren Rolle beim Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex (PRDC)


17.00-17.25 > Professor Hans Nauwynck (Ghent University, Belgium)
The intriguing interplay between viruses and virus-bacteria in the porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC)

Professor Hans Nauwynck graduated as a Doctor in Veterinary Medicine in 1987 at Ghent University. In 1993, he got his PhD degree, Doctorate in Veterinary Sciences and became nominated as assistant professor at Ghent University. Afterwards, he was promoted to associate professor in 1999 and full professor in 2004. In 2004, he took the lead of the Laboratory of Virology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University and became Diplomate at the European College of Pig Health Management.

At present, he lectures several courses on viral diseases in mammals. His research focuses on cellular and molecular pathogenesis of viral diseases in man and animal, with special emphasis on (1) the entry of the virus in its host with special emphasis on the primary target cell, (2) the invasion of viruses in its host through barriers, via leukocytes and along neurons and (3) the escape of viruses from immunity. Better insights lead to research-driven development of new generation treatments and vaccines.

He is author of 400 papers, past promoter of 73 PhD students, owner of 12 patents, founder of 2 spinoffs (Imaqua and PathoSense) and frequent speaker during international veterinary and virology congresses. At present, his staff consists of 25 PhD students, 4 post-docs and 10 technicians. At present, his staff consists of 25 PhD students, 4 post-docs and 10 technicians.

17.25-17.50 > Professor Enric Mateu (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Prime boost strategies for viral infections; use in PRRSv control

Professor Mateu graduated from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain with a degree in veterinary medicine. He then obtained a PhD in Veterinary Medicine (1993), then worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Illinois (1994-95), where he specialized in viral immunology.

Since 1998 Professor Mateu has been a professor of Animal Health at the UAB and director of the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, with a Diploma from the European College of Porcine Health and Management since 2011. For more than 25 years his research has focused on infectious diseases in pigs with viral infections. Professor Mateu has also developed projects in the field of bacterial diseases, mainly those caused by zoonotic agents and is currently the principal investigator and collaborator in various national or international projects and author of numerous publications.

17.50-18.15 > Professor Montserrat Torremorell (University of Minnesota, USA)
Flu control in pigs: putting the pieces together

Dr. Montserrat Torremorell is a Professor and Interim Chair of the Department of Veterinary Population Medicine at the College of Veterinary Medicine. She earned her DVM degree from the University Autonomous of Barcelona in 1994 and her PhD from the University of Minnesota in 1999.

Dr. Torremorell joined the University of Minnesota as the Leman Chair in Swine Health and Productivity in May 2009. Prior to that, she was employed at Genus/PIC, the largest swine breeding company in the world, where she led the efforts in PRRSV elimination and conducted research, technical support and served in the company management’s team. Dr. Torremorell has an extensive background in swine health, research, and production systems, including health improvement strategies, disease eradication, diagnostics, biosecurity programs, and health genomics.

Dr. Torremorell currently conducts research of economically significant swine diseases focusing on the transmission, control and elimination of influenza and PRRS infections in pigs. She also researches biosecurity technologies with applicability to prevent and mitigate airborne infections in pigs. She teaches in Veterinary Medicine to both, DVM and graduate students and is passionate about helping producers and veterinarians to apply science to control diseases.

18.15-18.35 > Dr. Kathrin Lillie-Jaschniski (Ceva Animal Health)
Controlling Influenza by vaccination in Europe

Dr. Lillie-Jaschniski qualified as a veterinarian in 2002 at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, presenting a doctoral thesis at the “clinic for diseases of swine”. Dr. Lillie-Jaschniski then moved on to become Team Leader of Technical Services of Swine at IDT Biologika GmbH, Dessau, Germany. After which she joined Ceva as Team Leader of Veterinary Services of Swine, then became Swine EU Zone Vet Service Manager and now currently works as Veterinary Services Corporate Manager of Swine at Ceva Animal Health.

18.35-19.00 > Questions and Answers

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